January 2008 Food Blog Events
EVERY WEEKEND - Weekend Herb Blogging hosted by Kalyn's Kitchen.
WEEKLY - Presto Pasta Night. Channel your inner comfort food muse and join in the new, fun weekly event. Hosted by Ruth at Once Upon A Feast, complete details to participate can be found right here.
WEEKLY - ARF/5-A-Day. Hosted by Cate at Sweetnicks every Tuesday night. Have you recently made a recipe with fruit and/or vegetables? Then this is perfect for you. Come on and join in the fun - complete details are right here.
ONGOING - World Bread Day - After Hours Party. For those that missed out on the recent 113-entry roundup for World Bread Day, this is your chance to join in the fun. Complete details can be found here.
MONTHLY - Weekend Breakfast Blogging. Saffron Trail hosts this event. Complete rundown is here.
MONTHLY - Cooking with Tea Contest sponsored by Tea Chef. Experiment with different ideas to develop the best recipe with that tea, then send it in with a picture. Every month new recipes are posted for community voting (look for the "Vote for this Recipe" links). The highest-ranked recipe will win a fabulous tea-related reward and the acclaim of the community!
MONTHLY - Carnival of Dining Out. Come celebrate your favorite place to eat in this new monthly event. Entries are due by the end of the month, and complete information can be found here.
MONTHLY - FOOD BLOGGY PETS OF THE MONTH. Peanut Butter Etouffe is doing a monthly round-up featuring all your pets. Come join in the fun - all the details are right here.
MONTHLY - GROW YOUR OWN celebrates the foods we grow ourselves and the dishes we make using our homegrown products. Make a dish that uses at least one item from your very own garden (indoor, outdoor, urban, whatever) or meat you have raised and post about it. You can use something that was gifted to you, but the giver must have personally grown or raised the item. Posts are due on February 27 and the round-up will be posted on or around March 1. Check out the full details here.
MONTHLY - SNACKSHOTS #1 hosted by Greedy Gourmet. Take a photo of anything potato. Whether it is dish you made or freshly dug up tubers from your garden, we want to see it! For more info, click here.
ANNUAL - A Taste of Terroir. Between now and January 21, 2008, create and post an entry on your blog which highlights a food or drink, or food/drink product, or recipe which highlights terroir in your location which you can write about with a personal perspective including a photo. Describe how it relates to your locale. Full details are here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1 - BREAD BAKING DAY #5. Hosted by Chelsea of Rolling in Dough, the theme is Filled Breads. Mix up any bread you like, white or wheat, roll it out, fill it with something inspiring, roll it up and bake it. It can be fruit, cheese, salsa, sauce, spices, veggies, candy - whatever you are in the mood for. Rolls, calzones and meat pies all count as filled breads and if you have a filled bread that is a tradition where you live, we'd love to read about it. Simply bake your lovely filled bread creation, take some pictures, write about it and post between now and January 1. Please include a link to Rolling in Dough in your post and send me an email at chelsea@tresbonvivant.com, including the permalink to your post, a picture if you have one and your name and general location. I'll have the collection of wonderful breads up by January 5.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 7th- MONTHLY MINGLE. Theme is Drop In & Decorate. Complete details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 15th - APPLES & THYME. A celebration of time spent in the kitchen with our mothers and grandmothers (or anyone else you wish to blog about) and what they did or did not pass on to us that influenced how we cook and eat today. The event is hosted by Vanielje Kitchen and The Passionate Palate. We would love you to enter and share with us a person and a dish that celebrates your relationship with them. As we have got a bit of a slow start to this year we have extended the closing date for the third Apples & Thyme to 15th January. It is a monthly event with the closing date normally the 10th of each month with the roundup on the 15th and we will revert to this format in February. More details here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 19th - 2008 COMFORT FOOD COOK-OFF. Here in the northern hemisphere, we're about to enter the bleakest stretch of winter so it's time to cook up some serious comfort food. What do you yearn to eat when the days get short, the nights get cold, and the going gets tough? Are you a chicken soup chica? A mashed potatoes man? A mac and cheese mama? Or do you find comfort in a food that is(gasp!) not white?!? I'm looking for more than just recipes here -- if there's a story behind your comfort food, I want to hear it! I'm also very curious about comfort foods from other countries and cultures. The deadline for entries in the Comfort Food Cook-Off is Saturday, January 19th. I'll post the round up on Monday, January 21st and announce the winner on Sunday, January 27th. The winner will receive a copy of Macaroni & Cheese: 52 Recipes from Simple to Sublime by Joan Schwartz. Please email your entry to Eve -- gardenofeatingblog (at) gmail (dot) com (all one word, no spaces) and be sure to put "Comfort food cook-off" in the subject of your message. Please include the following information in your message: Your name, the name and URL of your blog, the name of your dish and the permalink to your entry posting (and if you'd include a link to the announcement on my blog: http://www.gardenofeatingblog.com, I'd appreciate that.) Feel free to use the comfort food cook-off logo I've created. If you don't have a blog, you can still participate, just email your entry and a photo with the info above. If your blog is not in English, please make sure that your entry is in English.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 20th - CLICK. A theme-based event dedicated to food photography. The theme for January 2008 is 'Liquid Comfort.' For details, go here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 20th - WEEKEND COOKBOOK CHALLENGE #24. This time, the theme is Veggin' Out and it's hosted by the lovely Sara of I Like to Cook.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 22nd - "WAITER! THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY..." is back in 2008 and the theme this January, hosted by Johanna of thepassionatecook, is terrines – savoury or sweet, meaty or vegetarian, as long as it’s in pate shape, you’re in business! Submissions are due by the 22nd of January. Details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 24th - FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Proust had his madeleines, but we all have something. Food is evocative. It has the power to transport us, to connect us to times and places past. It has the ability to recall to us lost loved ones. I have never been more aware of this than when I am living far from home. My experiences living in Accra, Ghana have made me acutely aware of the importance of food in connecting to beloved memories and traditions. I am spending January doing a series on food nostalgia. I invite you to join me. Blog about a dish that recreates a memory for you. Tell us about the food, the recipe, the process, and a little about why it is so memorable. Include a link back to The Skinny Gourmet. Post it on your blog before January 24th and send an email, by Jan 24 at the latest, to skinnygourmet(at)gmail(dot)com including your name, your blog's name and URL, the name of your dish and the post's URL, your hometown/region and country. Roundup will be posted by the end of January. Complete details can be found here.
NEW!!! NOW UNTIL JANUARY 25th - SUGAR HIGH FRIDAY. The theme is baking with candy, and the permalink with all the details is right here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 26th - HAY, HAY, IT'S DONNA DAY. The latest Hay Hay It's Donna Day is being hosted by Joey at 80 Breakfasts with the theme Pizza. Complete details can be found here. Entries to Joey at eighty_breakfasts(AT)yahoo(DOT)com on or before January 26, 2008.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 31st - LEFTOVER TUESDAYS #11. Leftovers got you down? How about converting those leftovers into something new and intriguing? That’s what the Leftover Tuesdays event is all about. Project Foodie is hosting Leftover Tuesdays #11 where we challenge you to transform those leftovers into tasty temptations. The leftovers can be the remnants of a previous meal (either home cooked or bought) but they can also be the unused portions of the various components you've used to create recent (or not so recent) meals. Basically, leftovers are anything in your fridge, pantry or freezer for which you have no intended purpose and need/want to use up! Get all the details here.
NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 4th - MONTHLY MINGLE. This time, the 17th!! Monthly Mingle will be focusing on Comfort Foods. After all the big fancy meals we have been eating the last few months, wouldn't it be simply great to go back to the simple, undressed-up charms of comfort foods? I keep finding myself creating simpler foods right now. Food that hugs me from the inside out! It's the type of food that picks us up when we are down, warms us when we are feeling lost and cold and blurs out the bad mood. The first mouthful takes us straight back to the familiar, the good; to the time when all was well. That is what I am looking for this month. Your very favorite comfort foods. Comfort food is not to be confused with favorite foods though. Favorite foods are more fancier like a lemon tart, mousse au chocolat or a Chateaubriand steak. Comfort foods are often simple, no frills and easy to prepare kind of foods. So, do something good for yourself and bring over your Comfort Foods to my mingle this month. Complete details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 9th - MY LEGUME LOVE AFFAIR. Hosted by Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook.Looking for a healthy, economical, yet tasty change after the overindulgences of the holiday season? Consider the legume. Full details found here.
NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 12th - MINI PIE REVOLUTION EVENT #2: Small Tarts Have Big Hearts! Here at the Mini Pie Revolution HQ, we know that Valentine's Day requires tarts of a different kind. Grandmothers everywhere would not lie – the stomach leads to the heart, and nothing inspires love like a filled pastry crust. For Valentine's Day, we want to see your sweetest tarts! Complete details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 15th - A HEART FOR YOUR VALENTINE. On February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day, a holiday honoring love and lovers. In the spirit of the holiday, I suggest to romance the special person in our life not only with a love note but also with a homemade "edible heart." So I would like to invite you to treat your Valentine with something sweet or savory but always heart-shaped or heart-decorated. Give your fantasy full scope and surprise your beloved one with a special heart! Of course we would like to see what kind of heart you give away, so please blog about it from now until February 15. More information about the event can be found here.
NEW!!! NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 21 - WEEKEND COOKBOOK CHALLENGE #25. The theme is Nigella Lawson, and the due date is Feb 21. Ani from Foodiechickie is hosting and complete details can be found here.
WEEKLY - Presto Pasta Night. Channel your inner comfort food muse and join in the new, fun weekly event. Hosted by Ruth at Once Upon A Feast, complete details to participate can be found right here.

ONGOING - World Bread Day - After Hours Party. For those that missed out on the recent 113-entry roundup for World Bread Day, this is your chance to join in the fun. Complete details can be found here.
MONTHLY - Weekend Breakfast Blogging. Saffron Trail hosts this event. Complete rundown is here.
MONTHLY - Cooking with Tea Contest sponsored by Tea Chef. Experiment with different ideas to develop the best recipe with that tea, then send it in with a picture. Every month new recipes are posted for community voting (look for the "Vote for this Recipe" links). The highest-ranked recipe will win a fabulous tea-related reward and the acclaim of the community!
MONTHLY - Carnival of Dining Out. Come celebrate your favorite place to eat in this new monthly event. Entries are due by the end of the month, and complete information can be found here.
MONTHLY - FOOD BLOGGY PETS OF THE MONTH. Peanut Butter Etouffe is doing a monthly round-up featuring all your pets. Come join in the fun - all the details are right here.
MONTHLY - GROW YOUR OWN celebrates the foods we grow ourselves and the dishes we make using our homegrown products. Make a dish that uses at least one item from your very own garden (indoor, outdoor, urban, whatever) or meat you have raised and post about it. You can use something that was gifted to you, but the giver must have personally grown or raised the item. Posts are due on February 27 and the round-up will be posted on or around March 1. Check out the full details here.
MONTHLY - SNACKSHOTS #1 hosted by Greedy Gourmet. Take a photo of anything potato. Whether it is dish you made or freshly dug up tubers from your garden, we want to see it! For more info, click here.
ANNUAL - A Taste of Terroir. Between now and January 21, 2008, create and post an entry on your blog which highlights a food or drink, or food/drink product, or recipe which highlights terroir in your location which you can write about with a personal perspective including a photo. Describe how it relates to your locale. Full details are here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1 - BREAD BAKING DAY #5. Hosted by Chelsea of Rolling in Dough, the theme is Filled Breads. Mix up any bread you like, white or wheat, roll it out, fill it with something inspiring, roll it up and bake it. It can be fruit, cheese, salsa, sauce, spices, veggies, candy - whatever you are in the mood for. Rolls, calzones and meat pies all count as filled breads and if you have a filled bread that is a tradition where you live, we'd love to read about it. Simply bake your lovely filled bread creation, take some pictures, write about it and post between now and January 1. Please include a link to Rolling in Dough in your post and send me an email at chelsea@tresbonvivant.com, including the permalink to your post, a picture if you have one and your name and general location. I'll have the collection of wonderful breads up by January 5.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 7th- MONTHLY MINGLE. Theme is Drop In & Decorate. Complete details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 15th - APPLES & THYME. A celebration of time spent in the kitchen with our mothers and grandmothers (or anyone else you wish to blog about) and what they did or did not pass on to us that influenced how we cook and eat today. The event is hosted by Vanielje Kitchen and The Passionate Palate. We would love you to enter and share with us a person and a dish that celebrates your relationship with them. As we have got a bit of a slow start to this year we have extended the closing date for the third Apples & Thyme to 15th January. It is a monthly event with the closing date normally the 10th of each month with the roundup on the 15th and we will revert to this format in February. More details here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 19th - 2008 COMFORT FOOD COOK-OFF. Here in the northern hemisphere, we're about to enter the bleakest stretch of winter so it's time to cook up some serious comfort food. What do you yearn to eat when the days get short, the nights get cold, and the going gets tough? Are you a chicken soup chica? A mashed potatoes man? A mac and cheese mama? Or do you find comfort in a food that is(gasp!) not white?!? I'm looking for more than just recipes here -- if there's a story behind your comfort food, I want to hear it! I'm also very curious about comfort foods from other countries and cultures. The deadline for entries in the Comfort Food Cook-Off is Saturday, January 19th. I'll post the round up on Monday, January 21st and announce the winner on Sunday, January 27th. The winner will receive a copy of Macaroni & Cheese: 52 Recipes from Simple to Sublime by Joan Schwartz. Please email your entry to Eve -- gardenofeatingblog (at) gmail (dot) com (all one word, no spaces) and be sure to put "Comfort food cook-off" in the subject of your message. Please include the following information in your message: Your name, the name and URL of your blog, the name of your dish and the permalink to your entry posting (and if you'd include a link to the announcement on my blog: http://www.gardenofeatingblog.com, I'd appreciate that.) Feel free to use the comfort food cook-off logo I've created. If you don't have a blog, you can still participate, just email your entry and a photo with the info above. If your blog is not in English, please make sure that your entry is in English.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 20th - CLICK. A theme-based event dedicated to food photography. The theme for January 2008 is 'Liquid Comfort.' For details, go here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 20th - WEEKEND COOKBOOK CHALLENGE #24. This time, the theme is Veggin' Out and it's hosted by the lovely Sara of I Like to Cook.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 22nd - "WAITER! THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY..." is back in 2008 and the theme this January, hosted by Johanna of thepassionatecook, is terrines – savoury or sweet, meaty or vegetarian, as long as it’s in pate shape, you’re in business! Submissions are due by the 22nd of January. Details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 24th - FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Proust had his madeleines, but we all have something. Food is evocative. It has the power to transport us, to connect us to times and places past. It has the ability to recall to us lost loved ones. I have never been more aware of this than when I am living far from home. My experiences living in Accra, Ghana have made me acutely aware of the importance of food in connecting to beloved memories and traditions. I am spending January doing a series on food nostalgia. I invite you to join me. Blog about a dish that recreates a memory for you. Tell us about the food, the recipe, the process, and a little about why it is so memorable. Include a link back to The Skinny Gourmet. Post it on your blog before January 24th and send an email, by Jan 24 at the latest, to skinnygourmet(at)gmail(dot)com including your name, your blog's name and URL, the name of your dish and the post's URL, your hometown/region and country. Roundup will be posted by the end of January. Complete details can be found here.
NEW!!! NOW UNTIL JANUARY 25th - SUGAR HIGH FRIDAY. The theme is baking with candy, and the permalink with all the details is right here.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 26th - HAY, HAY, IT'S DONNA DAY. The latest Hay Hay It's Donna Day is being hosted by Joey at 80 Breakfasts with the theme Pizza. Complete details can be found here. Entries to Joey at eighty_breakfasts(AT)yahoo(DOT)com on or before January 26, 2008.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 31st - LEFTOVER TUESDAYS #11. Leftovers got you down? How about converting those leftovers into something new and intriguing? That’s what the Leftover Tuesdays event is all about. Project Foodie is hosting Leftover Tuesdays #11 where we challenge you to transform those leftovers into tasty temptations. The leftovers can be the remnants of a previous meal (either home cooked or bought) but they can also be the unused portions of the various components you've used to create recent (or not so recent) meals. Basically, leftovers are anything in your fridge, pantry or freezer for which you have no intended purpose and need/want to use up! Get all the details here.
NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 4th - MONTHLY MINGLE. This time, the 17th!! Monthly Mingle will be focusing on Comfort Foods. After all the big fancy meals we have been eating the last few months, wouldn't it be simply great to go back to the simple, undressed-up charms of comfort foods? I keep finding myself creating simpler foods right now. Food that hugs me from the inside out! It's the type of food that picks us up when we are down, warms us when we are feeling lost and cold and blurs out the bad mood. The first mouthful takes us straight back to the familiar, the good; to the time when all was well. That is what I am looking for this month. Your very favorite comfort foods. Comfort food is not to be confused with favorite foods though. Favorite foods are more fancier like a lemon tart, mousse au chocolat or a Chateaubriand steak. Comfort foods are often simple, no frills and easy to prepare kind of foods. So, do something good for yourself and bring over your Comfort Foods to my mingle this month. Complete details can be found here.
NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 9th - MY LEGUME LOVE AFFAIR. Hosted by Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook.Looking for a healthy, economical, yet tasty change after the overindulgences of the holiday season? Consider the legume. Full details found here.

NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 15th - A HEART FOR YOUR VALENTINE. On February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day, a holiday honoring love and lovers. In the spirit of the holiday, I suggest to romance the special person in our life not only with a love note but also with a homemade "edible heart." So I would like to invite you to treat your Valentine with something sweet or savory but always heart-shaped or heart-decorated. Give your fantasy full scope and surprise your beloved one with a special heart! Of course we would like to see what kind of heart you give away, so please blog about it from now until February 15. More information about the event can be found here.
NEW!!! NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 21 - WEEKEND COOKBOOK CHALLENGE #25. The theme is Nigella Lawson, and the due date is Feb 21. Ani from Foodiechickie is hosting and complete details can be found here.
Labels: food blog events
Hi, I'm hosting a "Game Night Party Recipes" event on my blog. Could you add an announcement to it please?
Hi, Cate. I sent you an announcement days ago for my event, "My Legume Love Affair." It might have gotten eaten by your spam filter. Please let me know if I should send it again. Thanks.
Hi Cate...I'm not hosting anything (yet), but just thought I'd tell you that you're doing a FAB job.
Hi Cate,
Could you please add "Thursday Soup or Stew Night" to the stickydates?
The link would be http://cyndicooks.blogspot.com/2008/01/thursday-soup-or-stew-night-is-back.html
Hi, Cate!
I am hosting Cupcakes Spectacular 2008 and would like to be able to stick on Sticky Date, please.
Here's the link:
Thank you so much!
Hi Cate,
I sent you an email last month about my chili cook-off, but maybe you didn't get it? Here's the info: An on-going, once-a-month Chili Cook-Off Challenge hosted by http://foodsandflavorsofsanantonio.blogspot.com
The recipes must be original and there are prizes for the best chili. (The recipes are going into my new cookbook with credit and blog mention for the foodies who submit recipes.)
This is just nicely picked up and organized by you, Cate. I need food blogs for my next project. You're effort is appreciated. I am charged up to get such a huge collection.
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